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Nogales Mexico

Nogales Mexico


Health and beauty services and products

Nogales, Sonora, Mexico is a thriving city of 250,000 located just across the border from its much smaller sister city of Nogales, Arizona. It has seen a rapid upsurge in population over the past two decades as thousands of Mexicans have moved there from other parts of Mexico to seek work in the maquiladoras, or cross-border factories. And along with this population explosion has come a substantial growth in related medical, dental, beauty and other industries that provide services to clients from both sides of the border.

Nogales is perhaps best known for its border tourism district, a short walk across the border at the DeConcini border pedestrian crossing. Popular places to see include curio shops, pharmacies and restaurants. However in recent years there has been an increase in medical tourism, as Americans come south of the border to receive dental and medical treatment by professional Mexican doctors and dentists, at rates that cost far less than they would pay north of the border.

Another growth industry has been in the beauty, cosmetology and wellness sectors, with upscale hair and nail salons establishing a presence in Nogales along with sophisticated day spas that provide a variety of spa treatments for customers, some of which are not available in the United States.

The purpose of this page is to provide links and information to help to navigate the variety of health and beauty services in Nogales. And if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us.